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Five stones that will take down the giant of fear

Who could have imagined that whats going on in the world right now would happen when we wished each other a happy and healthy new year on New Year’s Eve. It was on the very same day that the first Corona infection was reported in China. And now, two and a half months later, our world is in the grip of an invisible enemy; the Corona virus. In a short time things that were so normal in our daily lives cant be taken for granted anymore; we see empty shelves in the supermarket, schools and restaurants closed, events and church services that are canceled, travel bans, countries that are in complet lock down, hospitals that are overloaded and people who die from the consequences of the virus.

This situation reminds us of the words of Jesus when he said, “In this world you will have trouble.”

So it should come as no surprise that we will experience trouble in the world, including our Western world. But how do we react in moments like this, in situations when things are happening that we cannot control. Because, what can happen is that not only this virus will go viral around the world, but fear and panic can also go viral.
When the people of Israel faced Goliath, all the people were afraid to fight him. They were paralyzed by fear. But David took five stones and his sling and knocked down the giant. Just like Goliaht, fear can be an intimidating giant in our lives as well. But like David, we can take five stones and take down this giant of fear. There is no vaccine against the Corona virus yet, but these five stones of God’s word are our vaccine against fear and panic!

These five stones (all of which are equally important) bring down the giant of fear into your life:

1. God’s peace
Before Jesus says that we will have trouble in this world, he says: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.” (John 6:33). In the midst of the chaos in the world, we can have peace in Jesus. And this peace is supernatural; it does not depend on peaceful conditions. It is a peace, which transcends all understanding, that will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 7).

2. God’s love
The love of God and fear cannot be in one room at the same time. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear. (1 John 4: 18a). God’s love is perfect, unconditional and inexhaustible. It is a supernatural love that’s not of this world. And this love drives all fear out of your heart.

3. God’s presence
There are numerous verses in the Bible about God telling us not to be afraid. And God always explains why; the fact that He is with us. This one is the most famous; Psalm 23: 4: “Even though I walk through the darkest valley,I will fear no evil, for you are with me.”

4. God’s faithfulness
If things get out of control, this can make you anxious because earthly certainties are falling away. But this will point you to the fact there is only one certainty in life and that is the fact that God is faithful! He is the rock on which you can build your life, that will keep you standing in the storms. All God’s promises in the Bible are yes and amen! So what should we do when we are afraid? Let’s do what David did when he was afraid and said: “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. ” (Psalm 56: 3)

5. God’s power
Fear comes with loss of control! But God is always in control! He is all-powerful, He is invinceble, He is powerful, He is God! God says we should not be afraid because he will give us strength; ” So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. “(Isaiah 41:10)

Why did David only need one single shot to hit Goliath in his forehead? It had to do with his focus!

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” Psalm 16: 8

David had his his eyes on God instead of focussing on what threatened him; therefore he would not be shaken. Make a decision today to focus on God and His peace, love, presence, faithfulness and strength. And you will see the giant of fear go down!

Jesus said we would have a trouble in the world, but that was not all that He said. Immediately afterwards, Jesus made us a promise:
” But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

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